Saturday 24 October 2015

Something you all should listen to

I've been meaning to do a full on  autumn playlist but I'm absolutely in love with this album and finding it a little hard to listen to things which aren't this album so I thought for now I'd just share this. -Julia

Monday 28 September 2015

Lil Sketchbook Pages

Just thought I'd pop in and post these sketchbook pages. They're just sketches, nothing finished, and please excuse my tumblr url watermark!

I feel like I'm almost developing a drawing style and also like it is actually quite cute.

Side note: I am starting to cringe ever so slightly at the title of this blog, even though I really do like plants. I'm off to think up new names.


Tuesday 4 August 2015

(surprises everyone by reviving blog)

You lovely people may or may not have noticed that I stopped posting for quite a bit. This is really just because I was starting to feel weighed down by the responsibility of taking photos, editing them, uploading them (multiple times with this terrible host) and writing for them every day. It's only been in the past week that I've started taking photos again really! I'm excited to share them, anyway, so maybe this means I'm back (but no promises!).

  I am still in love with this bag. It's starting to be a more normal shape now which is brilliant. I'm taking advantage of the full length mirrors in the house we're staying in by the sea because

I have short person problems with the wall mirrors.

I sometimes forget to be arty which is another reason why I stopped posting for a bit. I start wearing tracksuit bottoms and lying in bed all day. It's depressing. I'm getting out more lately which is really nice and I have a whole bunch of people constantly inspiring me to make art (I'm very lucky!). -Julia

Saturday 27 June 2015


Still trying to get into the swing of blogging again! Margot had her first bath very recently. It's been hot outside and she was very well behaved. 

Some of you might maybe remember the t-shirt swap which I'm doing with Flo soon, and I finally got around to testing out the fabric paint! I wanted to test it and make sure it didn't wash out (still haven't quite done that, yet) before I painted her t-shirt so I did this one for myself.

 I am babysitting right now and listening to starry cat. I think I've linked to this before but it is totally worth listening to. -Julia

Thursday 25 June 2015


You all probably guessed that since I had that break from blogging to finish my project I've been finding it a bit hard to get back into posting daily. Suddenly I don't have to go into college any more and I'm all like "Whaaat? What am I supposed to do with all my time?!" or something.

I am still taking photos though! The flowers I picked for the outdoor table blew over in the wind. The photos could do with some cropping and aren't quite perfect but kinda artsy, I think. Hmmm. -Julia

Tuesday 23 June 2015

I'm back! (again)

  My camera cord has returned, and with it so have I! I'll be uploading photos of the past few days over the next few days and it will all probably get very confusing. For now here is a pretty mug I found at a charity shop which was having a clear out, and a book I bought for my friend's birthday. I hope you're all still alive, after all this time! -Julia

Thursday 18 June 2015

Art (etc)

With less college work I feel kind of like I should generally be doing a lot more than I am, but I hadn't quite found my motivation until tonight when I got FireAlpaca open and after a few cranky warm up drawings messed about till these came out. I really like them.

(They're not watermarked but 100% mine, please respectfully ask me for permission and wait for a "yes" before reposting!)

After this I remembered this project I'd started maybe two, three years ago. It was a shoulder puppet with a brake cable mechanism, but I only got as far as making the head and buying the mechanism. This cable had been on my floor for a very, very long time, until I one day decided to put it somewhere very safe. Of course I spent all evening looking for it and found just about everything except for it, but you can buy them inexpensively on Ebay so that's a summer project goal. I feel like I could sculpt a better head now- good thing the cables come in sets of two! -Julia