Wednesday 29 April 2015

Outfit: Woodland Vibes

So today I decided it was time to do an ~outfit post~, because of all the days of the week I tend to dress best on Wednesdays. This is probably because I have college from 1 until 5 this afternoon, meaning I have time to put together nice clothes in the morning and time to actually get out (which is a huge incentive for getting dressed) later.

I tend to pick my clothes like "wow I feel witchy today" or "wow I feel like dancing through a forest today". This day is the latter.

So today I wore

-Primark fox tights (so many people have said they like these and I totally agree; they are brilliant and comfy too).
-Skirt bought from H&M and adjusted to fit my waist.
-Vintage velvet jacket, you can't see it in the photo but it has this awesome puffy collar. Found in my grandma's wardrobe and lovingly stolen allowed to wear.
-Worn out purple Doc Martens- again, not in the photo (I'm new to this!) and probably because I own very few pairs of shoes and they are the comfiest. Gotta wear comfy things.
-Khaki t-shirt with three quarter length sleeves.
-Scarf (which I've had for a very long time), I'm actually not sure where it came from but they're not hard to come by. 

I did also take photos of the top but they didn't turn out too well sadly! It's a start for a first outfit post, anyway. Hope you all had a rad Wednesday. I was actually thinking "Hmmm, woman crush wednesday?" but didn't get round to it this week. Sometime soon though for sure! -Julia

P.s. Today I am listening to Air - Alone in Kyoto. It's v pretty and has calm vibes.

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