Saturday 16 May 2015

Mad Hatter's Nature Walk

Everyone should be sad to hear that my poor guitar is still not mine or any closer to being mine because I've had a day which was somehow too busy to go to the charity shop and see if it was still there. My poor baby.

I did, however, go to my friend's Mad Hatter's Tea Party, which was amazing! I was a rather non specific character but I feel like my Alice in Wonderland vibes were strong and not to be messed with. I didn't get many photos there but I did take this outfit photo before I left. Sadly it does not show the pretty lace at the top of my over-the-knee socks (which I wore over grey tights) or my velvet jacket or my incredibly worn out purple doc martens, but this dress is one of my favourites.

This party was quite a while away so my mum had to drive me there and I get very nervous about large groups of people who I'm not entirely familiar with and also about eating in front of people, so this was all quite scary. Izzy (whose party it was) is super understanding and lovely about this stuff and I went for a walk with my mum in the countryside and took lots of pretty photos while everyone ate.

It was all v pretty.

I'd type more but I have at this moment about 6- no wait, 5- minutes to get this published before midnight so must move swiftly to a very cool song. Hm.

Buzzcut Season by Lorde because it is buzzcut season and girls with buzzcuts are magical.


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