Wednesday 13 May 2015

Tiny Creatures

Wednesdays are great because I have time to prepare pretty things to do at college. This tin full of crochet stuff made me feel so organized (which is something I absolutely am not!).

I worked all afternoon on bringing this little axolotl themed doll to life. It sort of ties in with my college project (enough to justify crocheting it in college) and I plan to make him a little rucksack too. Right now he's just missing a leg and a head. Soon, little lotl, soon.

Later I had ~arty babysitting~, which involves me going over the road to do art with some kids. This gives me an amazing excuse to do more "art". Today this was this little gal

and a very handsome blue slug with necessary teeth and sparkles, who has decided not to show himself today. Truthfully he was busy being baked when I had my camera out. Eh.

Today you should probably maybe listen to Stutter by Elastica because this morning there was a question about their song names in a radio quiz and I got so excited at the mention of them that I instantly forgot all of their song names. Also Justine Frischmann is one of my faves ever.


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