Friday 22 May 2015

Outfit: Actual Plant Vibes

So my image files are still coming up as being broken for some reason, but apparently most people can see them which is good! These I resized and uploaded to photobucket which might maybe help.

Anyway! My t-shirt arrived! It is lovely.

I swear photobucket slightly mutes the colours on my photos too. The photo issues are never ending!

I did put on shorts when I went out, rather than just a t-shirt and tights (my legs look super weird in that photo). Other than that I have worked today and that's about it; I am a doll artist (kind of) and I finished one super fast which is rad.

My typing is hella unenthusiastic today ha. I watched about half of this but found it very eerie. The animation is adorable but the voices and music throw me a bit.

That's the ~video for the day~! 

Promise tomorrow's post will be nicer to read and hopefully more colourful if these photos start working. Promise.


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