Monday 25 May 2015

Open Studios 2015

Today I went out with my family and my bae to look around the studios of lots of local artists for Open Studios. I'm not sure how widespread this is, but it's basically this: for a few weeks artists open up their workplaces and you can look around and sometimes buy work.

I wore a white t-shirt and dungarees (which I actually added badges to before setting out, but I didn't get photos somehow). This hand-knitted navy blue jumper was my mum's when she was (I think?) about my age, but it was very itchy and I didn't last long wearing it.

One of the potters we visited taught workshops and was selling off unclaimed work for charity. I bought this pot and I love it so much, my camera is dying and doesn't quite capture how pretty it is but it is very. The base isn't quite intact but I was thinking I could use it for crochet hooks or something similar.

Other goodies: ceramic buttons (from the unclaimed work) and a badge which my grandma bought me from an exhibiting artist.

My bae and I also each got a Moomin poster from a shop unrelated to Open Studios, both were different designs but this is mine. Somehow it doesn't have a single moomin in it, but here it is brightening up my wall of amazing (and a lot of my art, too).

I've decided to give the daily songs a little break but shall be sure to share good music (+ lots of other stuff!) whenever I find it! Ooh, I also finally got a haircut today. No photos of that but it's super cute and short. I'm allowed to say my hair is cute because I like it lots today, plus I wasn't the one who cut it.

Happy vibes -Julia

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