Tuesday 12 May 2015

Rainy and Strange

This morning I had college which went something like this.

I love listening to the rain and it looked hella pretty through the huge windows (that's not my work in the photo of the window, I hope they don't mind that it's been photographed!).

I drew a bunch of silly little comics which might one day turn into something bigger.

I'm very okay with these being sketchy and inaccurate at the moment. I seem to be really bad at writing today? This isn't flowing like usual. Maybe the exam stress of my poor A-level friends is rubbing off on me?

This afternoon I spent doing dolly things because I am a doll nerd. I finished something for work and took nerdy doll person photos of dolls. I try to mask the fact that I know a lot about dolls on this blog, but it's a very thin mask.

Now I'm getting super stressed out looking at the twitter accounts of high school friends. I'm a bit detached from a lot of social media; I don't have a twitter or instagram account or internet on my phone. This is probably for the best, my anxiety is terrible. I find it very strange in a lot of ways.

Hmmm! -Julia

Pst, go listen to Apologetic Shoulder Blades by Baths. The title alone is picturesque.

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