Monday 4 May 2015

Vegan Ice Cream is the Warmest Colour

So this tutorial for ice cream made entirely of bananas is everywhere at the moment and I've been meaning to post about my experience with it for a couple of days, actually. This is sort of part one because I haven't actually tried the end product yet (but I'm hoping it's good).

This is a summary of my adventure so far, but it is to be continued.

I'm very tired and feeling quite off today so I've been at home mostly. My friend came round with lots of lovely things for me (Lily you are brilliant) including the graphic novel Blue is the Warmest Colour, which I'm reading. I've seen the film but the illustrations in this are really beautiful.

It's available on Amazon UK here.

I haven't listened to much today either due to the off-ness but for today's song I'm going to choose is The Quiet (Preview) by Chelou. It's so calm and has really great imagery.

Hope you all (both?) had a nice bank holiday monday!


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