Thursday 14 May 2015


 Today I woke up feeling absolutely terrible, so I think I've been pretty productive all things considered. I stripped about half of the paint off a doll I've had for a very long time which was a bit terrifying and involved several hours of nail polish remover which left me kind of very dizzy. And I still have the other half to do (crying).

I did ~digital drawing~ which I haven't done in quite a long time, experimenting with screentones.

I didn't take any photos which is kind of terrible but I shall work on it! Ooh, I also learned a version of Voyage to the Moon on my guitar which is sounding very pretty so far. I can't wait to find the version from The Falling somewhere, it's the best.

Today you should listen to Sunset Lover by Petit Biscuit, which I found on a tumblr's autoplay. I looked everywhere for the name but nothing, sent it to my bae and he found it in about a minute. This is because he's magic.


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