Saturday 9 May 2015

Studio Plans

Sorry about yesterday y'all,  I was super super tired. I'll post twice in one day sometime to make up for it for sure.

A few days ago (maybe a week? I have lost all concept of actual time) my mum told me I could maybe get a shed, which is something I've wanted for a very long time to make into a little outdoor space of my own. The thought that I'd actually be able to have one completely threw me and I still can't quite believe it, especially as mum didn't just mean a little potting shed like I'd imagined, she meant a MEGA-SHED.

By this I mean 8 by 10 feet, insulated, with the possibility of having electricity. A tiny kettle in my outdoor studio! (and my sewing machine and light but kettles are more important by far).

I went to visit this particular shed for the first time today and it's so cool. It won't be set up here 'till August because it is an ex-display model but look at the pretty.

It is honestly better than any "shed" I could have hoped for and I'll finally have a real studio space to work in. I am excited beyond words.

My actual plans so far include kettles and lots of things on the wall. Also a rug. Definitely a rug.

Song for today is  Innundir Skinni by Olof Arnalds (I don't know how to get the accents on my computer oops). Her picking patterns are really lovely, she's very talented.


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